Cookie Policy for use of the Website

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June 12, 2024

We drafted this cookie policy to inform you about how we use "cookies" ("Cookies") and similar technologies on our website ("Website") and to help you make informed decisions while browsing. We encourage users to read and understand this cookie policy in conjunction with our privacy policy.

The Data Controller

The data controller is H1 Finance S.r.l., with registered office in Via Amilcare Ponchielli 51 - 24125, Bergamo ("H1" or the "Data Controller"). The Data Controller can be contacted at the following email address

Definition of Cookies

Cookies are short text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website or an app. Cookies are used to store and receive identification numbers and other information on computers, smartphones and other devices. Cookies serve a number of purposes, including enabling you to navigate the website efficiently, offering services, understanding the information received by the Data Controller and, generally, improving your experience of the website or app. Depending on their function and purpose of use, Cookies can be divided into Technical Cookies, Profiling Cookies and Third-party Cookies.

Technical Cookies

The use of Technical Cookies does not require the user's consent pursuant to Article 122 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679. Among Technical Cookies, we point out essential Cookies, also called "strictly necessary" Cookies, which enable functions without which it would not be possible to use a website correctly. These Cookies are saved in the user's device only during the user's active session on the website.

Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are used to analyse the user’s behaviour for marketing purposes. The use of the aforementioned Cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free and informed consent in accordance with Article 23 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, via the banner that appears on the first visit to the Site. The aforementioned consent can be revoked at any time. Refusal of consent to the use of Profiling Cookies will not interfere with the possibility of accessing the website, except for the impossibility of accessing those functions or content that make use of the aforementioned Cookies.

Third-party Cookies

Third-party Cookies allow us to collect browsing data with the aim of learning about your tastes and needs, to be used for statistical purposes. Your refusal to consent to the use of Third-party Cookies will not interfere with your ability to access the Website or App, except that you will not be able to access those features or content that make use of those Cookies.

Cookies used on the Website

The table at the following link shows the Cookies currently in use by the Data Controller on the Website. We update this cookie policy on an ongoing basis to ensure maximum transparency with regard to our use of Cookies. We recommend users to regularly review the table and the cookie policy in general.

Deleting and Disabling Cookies

You can change your mind about the use of non-essential Cookies by simply changing your consent settings in the H1 banner. Alternatively, you can change your browser settings to automatically determine your Cookie settings:

Processing Methods

The processing of personal data is carried out by means of computerised procedures by specially authorised and trained internal staff. The authorised personnel is allowed to access to the user's personal data to the extent and within the limits necessary for the performance of the processing activities concerning the user.

Storage Period

The storage period for personal data is indicated in the table in point 3 above.

Method of storing user data

Personal data are stored in computer and telematic archives located within the European Union.

The Data Controller guarantees the respect of adequate security measures, for further information you can contact the following address:

Rights of the data subject

The data subject may exercise the rights provided for in Chapter III of the GDPR within the limits and under the conditions laid down therein:

  1. access to the Data (art. 15): the data subject has the right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her is being processed and, if so, to obtain access to the personal data in a commonly used electronic format and certain information on the processing (e.g., purposes, categories of data processed, recipients, transfers outside the EU, implementation of profiling activities, etc.);
  2. rectification of the Data (Art. 16): the data subject has the right to obtain rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him/her without undue delay and/or integration of incomplete personal data, also by providing an additional declaration
  3. erasure of Data or 'right to be forgotten' (Art. 17): the data subject has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the erasure of personal data concerning him/her without undue delay, and the Data Controller has the obligation to erase without undue delay the personal data;
  4. restriction of processing (Art. 18): the data subject has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the restriction of the processing;
  5. portability of the Data (Art. 20): the data subject has the right to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the personal data concerning him/her provided to a Data Controller and has the right to transmit such data to another Data Controller without hindrance from the Data Controller to whom he/she provided them;
  6. objection to processing (Art. 21): the data subject has the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her in accordance with Article 6(1)(e) or (f) of the GDPR, including profiling on the basis of these provisions.